Do you have a question? Just ask…
1. If I choose your system, how much will it cost me?
Answer: Our systems are modular and fully adaptable to the requirements of our clients. Therefore, it is very difficult to say without a thorough analysis how much the implementation of our system will cost. Our priority is always to help the client and to facilitate the process, so we offer various financing arrangements. We want to make our systems approachable to a wide range of clients.
2. Is your system suitable for our type of business?
Answer: Our system for the monitoring of production serves for precise monitoring of the whole production process. In the past we have worked with clients who have used different types of production. In our company we like challenges and adapting our system to a new type of production is just what we enjoy in this work. In developing our system we cooperate with universities and research centers. Therefore, we can say that our system is suitable for every type of production.
3. We would like to make our processes more effective, but we do not know how. Can you give us advice?
Answer: Our teams consist of programmers and business analysts who deal with getting to know your needs and correctly interpret them. Thanks to this composition, we can see what you need from both sides - not only from a programming shore, but also from a business perspective. This allows us to create and adapt information systems to meet your expectations at their best.